Performances are sold out: "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf"

9/ 12 June at 8 pm: Very late one Saturday night Nick, a new professer at a college in New England and his wife are invited for a nightcap to another couple’s house: Martha, the college president’s daughter and her husband George, a History professor, are middle aged and married for more than 20 years.

Shortly after the young couple arrives, all hell breaks lose… The night turns into a psycho drama, that tears apart both marriages. In three heart-breaking scenes, using dialogue that cuts like a knife, Edward Albee has written a masterpiece. He manages to give a clear-cut, honest picture of the reality of marriage and love, and the fears that go hand in hand with intimacy.

  • geschrieben am: 8. Juni 2010
  • Achtung: Dieser Beitrag ist älter, als 1 Jahr und der Inhalt ist unter Umständen veraltet.
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